>> 20100428

Komisaun Nasionál Edukasaun nian, nu’udar orgaun konsultivu ne’ebé apoia Ministériu Edukasaun Timor-Leste nian, sente orgullu maka’as atu inaugura ohin-loron “Grupu Serbisu Lian iha Edukasaun”. Grupu ne’e forma husi reprezentante na’in 18 husi Ministériu Edukasaun, Parlamentu Nasionál no organizasaun sosiedade sivil nian.Objetivu ba grupu ne’e mak atu fó matadalan ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu polítika nasionál “Lian iha Edukasaun” ba Timor-Leste.

Komisaun Nasionál Edukasaun simu hahusuk husi Ministru Edukasaun nian, Dr. João Cancio Freitas, atu hahú prosesu hodi kria esbosu ba polítika ida kona-ba oinsá uza lia iha eskola laran. Polítika ne’e bazeia ba polítika edukasaun bázika no obrigatória ba tinan 9 ba ema hotu, ne’ebé Ministériu foti desde tinan 2009 nia ikus. Polítika ne’e mós haree ba hahalok di’akliu oinsá uza lia iha eskola laran iha fatin ne’ebé ema ko’alia lia barakliu fali ida iha mundu tomak nia laran.

“Grupu Serbisu Lia iha Edukasaun” suporta husi ekipa matenek-na’in internasionál ba polítika língua no mós bazeia ba konsulta luan ho líder komunitáriu, líder nasionál, estudante no mestre sira atu hatudu polítika ida kona-ba oinsá uza lian lokál no lian nasionál sira iha eskola sira iha Timor-Leste nia laran to’o 2010 nia ikus. Esperiénsia husi rai seluk ne’ebé mós ema uza lingua oioin no hasoru situasaun kompleksu iha eskola laran hatudu katak labarik sira aprende atu lee no hakerek lailais liu bainhira sira hahú aprende iha eskola primária uza lian ne’ebé sira ko’alia iha uma laran (sira-nia lian-inan).

Grupu Serbisu sei buka atu hakerek esbosu ba:

·         Polítika ida-ne’ebé bazeia liu ba labarik, família no mestre Timoroan sira-nia realidade moris no kompeténsia ne’ebé iha; 
·         Planu ba implementasaun pasu ba pasu ba polítika ne’ebé haree ba limitasaun orsamentu, ba parseiru ne’ebé iha ona no parseiru foun iha setór Edukasaun;
·         Modelu ba Edukasaun Infantíl (ba labarik ki’ikoan no sira-ne’ebé foin tama pre-primária) no prosesu dezenvolvimentu kapasidade mestre sira nu’udar profisionál;

“Ita tenke fó kongratulasaun ba Ministériu Edukasaun ba inisiativa ne’e, mak haree liu ba problema lian hanorin iha eskola Timor-Leste nian”, dehan Prezidente Komisaun Nasionál ba Edukasaun no Embaixadora Boa Vontade ba Edukasaun, Sra. Kirsty Sword Gusmão. “Pasu ne’e sai importante liu iha dalan atu ita bele atinje Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu, liu-liu kona-ba asesu ba Edukasaun Primária ba ema hotu”, dehan Sra. Sword Gusmão.

Atu hetan informasaun tan kona-ba “Grupu Serbisu Lia ba Edukasaun” nia knaar, favor ida kontakta:

Kirsty Sword Gusmão
Prezidente, Komisaun Nasionál Edukasaun Timor-Leste nian


28 April, 2010

The National Education Commission, a consultative body of the Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste, is proud to today launch the “Language in Education Working Group”. The objective of the Group, comprising 18 representatives of the Ministry of Education, members of parliament and of civil society organizations, is to guide the process of development of a national policy on “Language in Education” for Timor-Leste.

At the request of the Minister for Education, Dr João Cancio Freitas, the National Education Commission has undertaken to initiate a process whereby a policy on language use in schools is drafted, focussing upon the 9 years basic compulsory education mandated by the Ministry in late 2009 and taking into account best practice in language use in multilingual settings in the region and around the world.

Supported by a team of international policy experts, the “Language in Education Working Group” will consult broadly with community and national leaders, students and educators, to define a policy framework for the use of official and national languages in Timor-Leste schools by the end of 2010. The experience of other countries with a similarly complex linguistic panorama shows that children learn to read and write faster when the language of instruction in early primary schooling is the one they speak at home, i.e. their mother tongue.

The working group will undertake to draft:

·         A policy firmly rooted in the reality of the lives and competencies of East Timorese children, families and teachers;
·         A plan for gradual implementation of the policy which takes into account budgetary constraints, existing and new partnerships in the education sector;
·         Models for Early Childhood Education and Professional Development of Teachers;

“The Minister of Education is to be congratulated for taking the initiative to look into the issue of language of instruction in schools in Timor-Leste”, says National Education Commission President and Goodwill Ambassador for Education, Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmão.  “It is a vital step on the road to realising the Millennium Development Goals relating to universal access to primary education”, says Ms Sword Gusmão.

To obtain further information on the work of the “Language in Education Working Group”, please contact:

Kirsty Sword Gusmão
President, National Education Commission of Timor-Leste

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